pietro terzi Biographical outline for Pietro Terzi
  • Pietro Terzi was born in Milan where he has always lived. After he left Liceo Classico he went to the Politecnico di Milano where he became Doctor in Aerospace Engineering. His supervisor was Professor Gianfranco Rotondi, a prominent figure in the aeronautical field and a major influence during Pietro Terzi’s university years. While he was at university, in the 70’s he began flying and focused on acrobatic flying in particular. The ZLIN 526F and the CAP 20 L were his favorites planes.
  • During the 80's Terzi freelanced for the General Avia Company headed by Stelio Frati; a master of aeronautical design who was to be the most important person as regards Terzi’s professional development. He worked on various Frati’s projects: SF 600 TP CANGURO retractable landing gear version; F 20 TP CONDOR; F 1300 JET SQUALUS; F22 PINGUINO. He designed the LEONE T7 and T8 ultralight aircraft for the Aviazione Ultraleggera Italiana Company and managed the manufacturing of the prototypes, the test flights and supervised the production start up.
  • During the 90's he set up the TERZI AERODYNE Company for the prototyping of two of his designs: the two-seater T9 STILETTO and the single-seater competition aerobatic T30 KATANA he also produced a limited series of the latter. He also focused on designing and developing new technologies outside the aeronautical field, as well as others, such as sea craft. He designed the WINDSPIDER a new concept in sailboats, by building prototypes and a preproduction model.
  • During the years 2000 he formed the PIETRO TERZI A&T Company to build research aircraft. He designed an innovative Personal Air Vehicle building a proof of concept prototype. The GHIBIL project is instead an example of the design work done by Pietro under customer specification.
  • At present Pietro Terzi has various projects in progress, including: the “FLYING SOLDIER”, a manned military micro platform, and a 5-seater turboprop.